Johnson & Johnson Continues to Battle in Court Over Cancer Causing Baby Powder

For decades Johnson & Johnson, the makers of the iconic baby powder, have denied claims that their product contains traces of potentially carcinogenic (cancer causing) asbestos. However, recent trials have determined that J&J’s baby powder is to blame for two victims who were diagnosed with mesothelioma. Current, a third trial is taking place in St. Louis involving 22 women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using this product. The evidence presented in these trials could impact the outcome of future cases concerning J&J and the link between talcum powder, asbestos, and cancer.

Johnson & Johnson Continues to Battle in Court Over Cancer Causing Baby Powder

Stephen Lanzo regularly used baby powder since his birth in 1972. After a lifetime of inhaling these talc particles, he was diagnosed with mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer that is attributed to exposure to asbestos and affects the delicate tissue most commonly found around the lungs and abdomen. Asbestos was banned for home product use in 1977 and in 1989, the EPA issued the Asbestos Ban and Phase Out Rule, which hoped to fully ban this dangerous silicate mineral. This New Jersey trial involving Lanzo and J&J is monumental in that it is the first case that J&J has lost proving that Johnson’s Baby Powder does in fact contain cancer-causing asbestos. According to Bloomberg, jurors determined that J&J is required to “pay $80 million in punitive damages for hiding that their products, including J&J’s iconic baby powder, had been tainted by asbestos and posed a cancer risk.”Less than two months later in May, J&J lost a second lawsuit held in Los Angeles involving Joanne Anderson. She also developed mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos in J&J baby powder laced with the asbestos. Anderson was awarded $25.7 million.In St. Louis, a current trial is taking place involving 22 women who believe that their diagnosis of ovarian cancer is the direct result of their use of J&J’s baby powder which could have been tainted with asbestos. Past trials linking talcum powder and ovarian cancer were based on the theory that talc particles could travel up the fallopian tubes into the ovaries causing irritation which led to cancer. These recent trials are groundbreaking in that the cause of cancer is pinpointed to asbestos being found in the product. Since the early 1900’s, asbestos has been linked to fatalities and by the 1970’s, its used was greatly decreased in common products.If you or a loved one was diagnosed with ovarian cancer after 2006, you may be able to make a claim against Johnson & Johnson. They have known for decades that their product could cause ovarian cancer, and yet they continue to deny scientific evidence and fail to warn consumers of the risks. You probably have accumulated high medical bills or maybe you are no longer able to work and your financial situation is difficult right now. Contact Periscope Group today to see if you are able to receive financial compensation. We’d love to hear your story and help in any way we can.

“J&J loses trial over claims linking cancer to asbestos in talc”. Reuters. Accessed June 20, 2018.
“J&J Faces High-Stakes Trial Over 22 Women's Talc Claims.” Accessed June 20, 2018.
“J&J Loses Second Asbestos in Talcum Powder Lawsuit”. Accessed June 20, 2018.

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